this is what i came up with. i place the images side by side to form a square so that as you follow the images along it would look like a stop-motion image laid out in front of you. i repeated the images so i could make a square and so that i had 100 images which followed the theme of the brief. i like the black and orange on the page so i duplicated it in the text box. i used Prestige Elite std Bold as my font in the text box as i feel it resembles a type writers stamp like font with a bit of a more modern edge.
the information on the poster was the only information allowed. the lines of the text box follow the lines of the square of images and helps balance the poster. if i had made it bigger or smaller, which i did try then the poster would not sit right which it didn't. i also tried different coloured fonts like white which draws your attention to the writing but the orange does that job well and it wasn't need. i felt the other colours were to strong a contrast and wasn't necessary.
this is my final poster design. to get to this i tried having the text box just above centre and have the images evenly spaced around the page with gaps in between them. this looked ok at first but by the time i had finished the poster looked chaotic. it wasn't clear cut and there wasn't really any main focus point due to the amount of images required. this is what i came up with then. the images tight together with the text at the bottom. the poster is bottom heavy and has a bit of weight to it. the images and text box flow and its easy to understand what you're looking at and what the images mean. the other way was not clear what the purpose of the images were but together like this, it is easy to see what they are doing and is easy to follow.
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